For the first two weeks of The Revolution, the male Housemates and female Housemates were living separately. The guys, thinking that they would spend the entire season alone in the House, constantly
begged Biggie to give them some feminine company.They suspected that females were somewhere nearby, but they never had proof...
Until they broke the wall down.DesperadoesAt this point, the boys were more than desperate to have some communication with the fairer sex. Since the merger, two weeks into the Revolution, the boys have made efforts to get the girls to share beds with them and give them kisses and more. But, to their dismay, most of the girls are not biting.Rejection has been rife in the Big Brother House.
Yacob has said from the beginning that he has a crush on Kristal, but he knows that there’s nothing that could happen between them as Kristal is in a relationship outside of the house. Paloma rejected Itai, who seemed to have trouble finding his tongue when she was around. Very recently, Kevin tried to get closer to Elizabeth and was rejected. Twice.
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